Thursday, June 15, 2006

Lost Equilibrium

I was going to write something about the Al Michaels of Brazil (I don't mean that in a good way, if meaning it in a good way is even possible) and how he tries his damnedest to ruin the World Cup for all Brazilians, but my sensitive equilibrium was upset by this.

Sometimes I think I would like to write another blog, in character, making fun of the way the right wing "thinks." And then I read a compendium of quotes from Jeff Goldstein and I realize that there is no way to parody these people. Unless "Jeff Goldstein" and "Michelle Malkin" are pseudonymous liberals perpetrating the greatest hoax ever. Which, when you think about it, is possible. Could anyone really think like this? And if that's the case, does that mean that
Tbogg and the General might actually be conservatives "flying under the radar", so to speak? I feel like I'm in a Lem novel.

Brazil's very own Al Michaels will have to wait until tomorrow.


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