Tuesday, April 04, 2006

True Story

Several months ago...

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, or so I assumed, since I was sleeping. At 8:30 in the morning, this is what almost everyone was doing unless they were on their way to the beach (or on the beach already). My doorbell buzzed angrily, jarring me from what was no doubt a lovely dream. I sat up, swung my feet over the side of the bed and stood up. I looked at the clock to confirm the ungodly hour, and walked through my apartment to the door, wondering who would risk my wrath. Surely it was important.

As I opened the door I saw first a middle-aged woman. Moving with a shocking rapidity for the hour and nature of my awakening, my mind calculated that perhaps it was the landlady, since the rent was due. I couldn't, in that state, remember what the landlady looked like, but I could remember that she always called first. It probably wasn't my landlady. As the door opened further, I saw a younger woman standing behind her. And she looked good. Involuntarily, I smiled. This might be worthwhile after all.

"Good morning," said the older woman pleasantly, while the younger one smiled behind her.

"Good morning," I replied.

"Do you like to read?" She asked me.

"All the time. Why?"

"Because I have something," and her arm stretched out toward the grating that I had not yet opened. I looked at her hand and saw, across the top of a small pamphlet, the word "Jesus."

"I don't believe you woke me up for this," I growled, and closed the door, locked it, and went back to bed.

I couldn't sleep. I was too angry. How dare they disturb me? Who let them into the building? And why didn't I say something Al Jaffee would have approved of?

I tossed and turned, and then got up. I put some water on the stove for coffee, and walked into the living room. Outside my window, I heard the older woman complaining to someone, "...and he just closed the door, right in my face. The nerve."

And someone, a man, was agreeing with her! "Yeah, that's bad."

"How rude! I couldn't believe it."

Neither could I.


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